
Building Better With Technology: How Owners Are Leveraging Software to Improve Project Management

Projectmates SMB 360x204

A new study reveals best practices for building project owners to get the most out of their project management information system (PMIS). The study findings establish the top benefits owners gain from their use of a PMIS, and it highlights a couple of ways that those benefits can be increased:

  • Owners that incorporate more functions into their PMIS system see significant increases in the ways in which their PMIS improves their processes, projects and business outcomes. Their satisfaction with performing these functions within their PMIS greatly exceeds their satisfaction of using other software tools to conduct them.
  • Owners that develop intentional, deliberate strategies when adopting their PMIS about what functions they will include and how to encourage proficiency within their organizations are far more successful at getting more out of their PMIS than those who do not have these strategies.

The findings also clearly indicate that owners are likely to intensify their use of a PMIS, and provides a snapshot for design and construction companies that reveals the digital environment that they can anticipate on their projects in the future.